Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20FRONTLINE INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS What a year! Frontline has now enjoyed its first full year under PIC ownership and is thrilled to report that even given a challenging year, we’ve been able to come out the other end in the black. The realities of a very challenging global economic environment have led to an arduous year in business. With the energy market in Alberta navigating through a severe realignment, coupled with the Saskatchewan resource companies challenged by multiyear lows in commodity prices, our prime clients have demanded much less of our traditional services. Fortunately, the strategic decision to diversify into the agribusiness market has generated significant business opportunities that were capitalized on in the past year. The potential for further work in this sector looks strong in the coming year. The initial planning that began last year was based on the need to perform a full-scale company audit and to re- focus, re-invent and re-invest in Frontline. This strategic thinking will be the basis for crafting the future direction for our company. As with many strategic plans, there will be forks in the road and we will need further examination of where best to travel. As we venture through the end of 2016, we will continue defining our culture, our brand, our structure, what we do and for whom we do it. This focus on developing a more focused identity, operational capacity and procedures will be ongoing for some time. We continue to operate with intentions of delivering our clients value through our professional placement services, while coupling those offerings with more focused business management support and solutions service model. As we continue to manage the transitionary pains and challenges resulting from the multitude of changes experienced within Frontline over the last 18 months, our team has embraced this malaise as an opportunity for improvement and evolution. Alternative markets in which to apply our professional services will continue to be explored and our resolve to complete our mission is as strong as it has ever been. Our Mission: Focused by our values of integrity, respect, transparency and innovation, the only objective of our highly skilled group of professionals is to guide our client’s projects to successful completion. — Trent Norman SALES: $1,938,743 CURRENT ASSETS: $563,957 TOTAL ASSETS: $1,487,352 18 PIC_AnnualReport_Final-Alternate_2.indd 18 2016-12-01 8:42 AM