ADVENTURE DESTINATIONS Anticipating the unknown going into the 2017 season left the ADI team energized and optimistic. The season did not disappoint. ADI as a group enjoyed a second year of improving our contribution to the bottom line and has set the foundation to build on looking towards 2018. Our industry depends on dedication from our crew, long days in the summer, some good luck when it comes to weather and natural disasters or lack thereof of the latter. Aside from a wind storm that was categorized as a “100-year storm”, ADI weathered it pretty well with minimal damage at three locations, Dead Lake, Thompson’s Camps, and Twin Falls Lodge that were in the direct path. This season felt like all of our managers “got it” as a collective group and we grew as a team. We pulled together, focussing on the present but still continually learning and planning for the future rather than dwelling on the past. Thompson’s Camps continued to grow its customer base throughout 2017. Twin Falls Lodge had similar guest numbers from the previous year but reduced their expenses, and with the closure of Selwyn for 2017, ADI bottom line improved for a second year. Reflecting on what can be accomplished in tight times, focussing on adding a salesperson within ADI, our future looks bright as we enter the apex of the curve. - Ron Striker SALES: $1,965,929 CURRENT ASSETS: $349,724 TOTAL ASSETS: $6,504,888 ROUND TABLE MANAGEMENT Round Table Management’s bottom line is driven by market conditions, as it is with many of our sister companies within the PIC Group. Even though this past year we experienced more vacancies, dealt with tenant insolvencies and even took a hit on bad debt, we were able to maintain our profitability. Also on a positive note our overall vacancy rate is down in all areas except Edmonton but work continues to fill those spots. Round Table Management’s total revenue is up and shows signs of us having an exciting year. Looking forward, there seems to be a feeling the economy is picking up, which is a welcoming hug for all of us. Round Table Management has been and will always focus on our sister companies’ needs in either real estate or project management areas. We strive to continue on diversifying our portfolio for growth and to achieve our desired goals. Our growth comes in areas that were not thought of in years past, as our total revenue now is below 20% from sister companies. Our sister companies real estate needs for the short term, have been looked after and as such our interests shift to pure real estate investments. It’s fantastic to see the new CTI home taking shape in Edmonton and we look forward to seeing the finished site. Locally we purchased a “fixer upper” close to our head office that will eventually be turned into a super cool building. Greg’s phrase of “putting lipstick on a pig” is at work here. The former head office of Prairie Industrial Chemicals Ltd. (PICL) on Hanselman Avenue and Haskamp Street in Saskatoon has been renovated and looks fantastic. Round Table Management looks forward to the future with smart acquisitions and implementing our growth strategy. At the same time, growth can be scary with new challenges and new personnel coming on board, but I’ve been told if you’re not willing to jump out of your comfort zone, you’ll miss out on so much. I’m extremely proud of Round Table Management’s reputation. It’s our strength in our relationships with tenants, partners and our suppliers. Round Table Management’s “Brand Identification” is something we work hard at, as we strive to become the landlord of choice. “The way to a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear”. Socrates. – Rick Court SALES: $6,961,341 CURRENT ASSETS: $824,872 TOTAL ASSETS: $71,121,059 17 16