CHARITABLE DONATIONS A significant portion of our charitable budget goes towards our ongoing multi-year contributions, which are in areas where we feel we can make a meaningful difference in our communities. These include the Ducks Unlimited Chappell March project, the Rick Hansen Institute, and the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan. Other noteworthy contributions this year include Remai Modern, the Ronald McDonald House Charity, the Canadian Red Cross, Recess Guardians and the Roughriders Capital Campaign. We continue to support smaller local initiatives and welcome inquiries and requests for support, as we apply assistance and funds where we see that the PIC Group can provide the most benefit. In a world where the needs are so great, we have difficulty in choosing who we could and should support. Many credible, reputable organizations would benefit from our assistance therefore we must discern where our support for those in need is best allocated. FRONTLINE INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS What a year, it’s déjà vu all over again! Last year, Frontline began the year positioned directly into the oncoming headwinds blowing from a very challenging global, and local, economic environment. These winds were strengthened early in the year as FIS was assailed by a significant legacy client issue. The subsequent resolution unfortunately created a negative, but necessary, financial impact from which to begin the year with. These continued challenges, and beginning the year on the back foot, further strengthened our resolve for the continued focus and advancement of the strategic directive to transform Frontline. We’ve dusted off the mandate to “re-focus, re-invent and re-invest” in the company, and will continue to advance this objective. The most immediate and impactful result of this mandate was with the hiring of a Director of Business Development and Sales in mid-April. As with any structural change of this nature, time is required to build the accretive results we so urgently crave. So while our existing Placement Services remain an integral part of the business, our HR services have grown tremendously in stature, and our Agricultural division continues to buoy the corporate performance, we begin to look to our Business Development and Sales department for new and diverse opportunities for Frontline to profit from. While these results may not yet be reflected on the financial statements, we again remind ourselves that this strategic plan and our focus on developing a more focussed identity, operational capacity and procedures will be ongoing for some time. As we continue to navigate through this evolutionary development, and reflect back over this past year that was, we’ll succinctly characterize FY2017 as “developmentally delayed”. The challenge of 2017 has not beaten us down, but we’ve taken our 8 count. This strategic directive to transform has become a much more complex process to deliver, but we stand ready to get back into the ring, aggressively move forward and to start swinging again! To create a new identity and reputation for the firm, and set a strategic direction to differentiate ourselves in this market place, is proving to require a much longer lead time than planned for. Our mission has not changed, and our goal still remains to ensure we re-focus, re-invent and re-invest in Frontline, as this will be the only way our team will meet its objective of guiding all of our client’s projects to successful completion. We look forward to experiencing a shift in the 2018 trade winds that will allow us to experience the momentum of a nice tailwind! — Trent Norman SALES: $1,357,000 CURRENT ASSETS: $244,636 TOTAL ASSETS: $929,545 19 18