b'CLEARTECH|RANDY BRACEWELLClearTech Industries Inc.2022 was - in many ways - an extraordinary chapter in ClearTechstransportation costs. Our strategies proved effective as we kept history. In a year overshadowed by the ongoing global pandemic andshipments moving throughout the year. We were often able to business uncertainty, ClearTech marched forward, creating value andsupply what others could not. success at unprecedented levels. The 2022 chapter would not be complete Globally, rising demand, supply shortages, transportation issues, andwithout reviewing our move forward higher energy costs contributed to price volatility and unrivaledin becoming more data-drivenClearTech increases in raw material inputs to the chemical industry.and technology-based. Day oneprovided summer As commodity costs surged, so did prices for specialtyof our fiscal year markedemployment products and packaging materials. These factorsthe inauguration of ouropportunities for 14 combined to lift the value of our finished productsnew NetSuite businessuniversity students and push ClearTechs revenue to all-time highs. platform. The hard workin 5 different and discipline from ourlocations in 2022We did not, however, leave our success to theentire team contributed tides of the market. Throughout 2021 ClearTechto a highly successful continued to focus on what we could control. Forlaunch. In many ways, the timing could not have example, our product mix. We worked to increasebeen better. The determination of our team to build sales on our value-added, blended, or packagedand leverage tools in the new system sharpened our products and worked on adding value to all theability to navigate supply issues and price volatility products we distribute. Our customers dont justthroughout the year. Good tools in the hands of great buy products from ClearTech; they purchase solutionspeople helped deliver fantastic results.to fill their needs. Above all, they buy reliable quality, a complete customer experience, and security of supply. The last few years have shown us that predicting the future is near Another example of taking control was demonstrated in how weto impossible.In January of 2020 nobody was talking pandemics, navigated the exceptionally demanding supply chain issues ofinflation, pending recessions, or global conflict, yet here we are. That 2022. Pre-COVID business practices in every sector encouragedsaid, ClearTech has established a clear track record of weathering lean supply chains and just-in-time deliveries which stripped roomstorms.For 2023 we will continue to build on what we do best, for error from the system. When the pandemic hit, supply chainsadding new capabilities, new systems, new products, and new crumbled, and warehouses were empty. ClearTech mitigated supplyinfrastructure as we stay focused on controlling our own future.issues for our customers through a proactive strategy of investing heavily in inventory. We put product on our shelves to prevent our customers from going without. You cannot supply what you dont have. We calculated the risks of purchasing inventory during extreme cost fluctuations and on long lead times with potentially unknownRANDY BRACEWELLPIC GROUP 2022 ANNUAL PROFILE 15'